How To Determine Which iPod Nano Generation You Have
May 30, 2018 | 0 Comments
If you are unsure which iPod Nano generation you have, this table will assist you in ordering the correct replacment parts for your specific iPod Nano model. Whether you have a very new iPod Nano, or an old one, we have many replacement parts to get your Nano working like new again. Finding your Nano Generation is simple. On the 1st generation, all the way through the 5th generation you can find the model number on the back cover. The 6th gen is far different physically and is easily distinguishable. An alternitive way to determine generation can be found in Settings > General > About. This will provide you with the Model number which can be found on the chart below.
Once your correct iPod Nano generation has been found, you can then follow the link to see all of our repair parts and screen replacements available for that model. RepairsUniverse can provide many replacement parts for your Nano at competitive prices with all the other great benefits Repairs Universe has to offers including quick shipping, free pry tools, and detailed repair guides.
Model #
Device / Generation
If you are unsure how to find your model number, view our picture below for exact location on the model number on the back cover.